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Girl with Teacher

Evaluations with Amy

What to expect

Please remember to have the following with you for each of your children for evaluations. Please note: These are some suggestions based on the PA Homeschool Law. 

1. A record of attendance showing 180 days are completed.

2.  A book list of books read by the student or read aloud by a parent, older sibling, etc....somewhere in the portfolio. 
*It can be included throughout the log.
*It can be a book list.
*It can be in book reports.

3.The law says: "keep a log 'made contemporaneously' with instruction, designating by title reading materials used" to be included in the end-of-the-year portfolio.

The law does not specify style of log, and I have seen many styles. I recommend finding something that helps your school and family life flow smoothly.
**Made contemporaneously means kept throughout the year, not created the night before the evaluation. I have seen many planners or logs with food stains! LOL
**When I homeschooled my three children, I used a pencil because I knew things would change! Although, I did use marker at times, and crossed things out! LOL The law allows you to log by days (180) OR hours (900 for elementary/990 for secondary - grade 7 and up); you do not need to do both.

4.Samples of work- Collect samples of work. I like to see 2-3 samples of work per subject.
**Some samples from the beginning, middle, and end of year for each subject.
**I also like to see some kind of writing based on the child’s ability since it is an area that is ignored.
**For subjects that do not use a textbook, I suggest writing a brief summary or even including pictures. Celebrate your family! Make it into something you will treasure!
***If I do not see samples or anything in the log addressing a required subject, I will ask about it during the interview, so it will be covered.
 I do follow  the law. Please remember my job is to "review the portfolio" and "interview the student." I must "certify that an appropriate education is taking place." The state defines appropriate as time required, subjects required, and evidence of sustained progress in the overall program.
When I review the portfolio, I am looking for evidence of progress in the overall program and evidence that each subject required by law is included somewhere in the program.

The more organized you are, the easier it will be for me to evaluate your child’s portfolio.

Please contact me by April 1 to set up an appointment. 

If you have a child that is graduating, please remember to schedule your evaluation before June 1 if you are using a diploma program. Be sure you have all the requirements completed for your evaluation.

Finally, if you have a high school student, please email me before the evaluation and give me a specific list of credits your child has earned so I can start the paperwork as well as any compositions so I can read them. 

My fees are as follows: 

First child - $30
Second child - $20
Third child + $15

High school students- $40

Senior Year ( diploma program) $50

Evaluations with Amy: Text

Standardized Tests

Teacher Writing a Formula on a Blackboard

At grade levels 3,5, and 8, students must be given a standardized test in reading/language arts and mathematics by someone other than the parent. The PDE website has a list of approved tests.

Evaluations with Amy: Services
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